2nd Generation Family-Owned Business
Aztec NZ ltd. was founded in 2007. Since then, we have been involved in importing stockfeeds for Dairy and Equine feed industry, with interest in feed milling in New Zealand and overseas. We have been involved in introducing many new feeds, unheard of in New Zealand before.
Equine Country New Zealand have broken free from the traditional equine products and entered into a whole new world of performance products. With our resources, worldwide network, innovation, knowledge and passion we have developed products for helping high performing and leisure horses to perform consistently in optimum health conditions and prevent damage caused by pressures of the performance rigours.
After years in the business of importing and supply of Stockfeeds to our bulk customers in New Zealand and other parts of the world we identified the need of developing the real time performance products for horses. We focused on the limitations of products currently in the market to fully exploit the potential of these great animals and to reduce their suffering brought upon them by modern day performance demands like the tieing up, Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome, Hoof issues, Anxiety, Musculoskeletal Damage and more. We discussed with industry experts, experienced horsemen, and equine vets. We researched the trial works done around the world. We looked into horse feeds being used around the world and especially in the traditional societies where the horses have been a part of everyday life and combined all this experience together to develop exclusive products for the benefit of horses in New Zealand and the world. Working with MPI (Ministry of Primary Industries) we introduced many new feeds to New Zealand. We went around the world to source raw ingredients where they are grown or manufactured in the best of climatic conditions combined with best of GMPs(Good Manufacturing Practices).
We have formulated our products with utmost care keeping in mind the properties of the ingredients married to the demands and requirements of horse's body in different situations to produce a majestic bond for the optimum result. We are confident that using our products will be in the best interest of the horses reducing their suffering due to ailments and body conditions and relieving stress of the owners in confidence that their animals are healthy and happy and will perform consistently to their best.